Picture above taken by Fred Morris in 2006 at the "Call to the Wall" reunion. The people you see in the reflection are Koh Tang Vets and families. Names in Red are USAF, Blue names are Navy, and Names in yellow are USMC who were killed in action May 15, 1975 or in related actions.
The Koh Tang / Mayaguez Veterans Organization is organized and run by unpaid volunteer members, but there are some costs involved in keeping it going. Money is needed to pay the web site host, printing charges and postage for the newsletter, along with cost incurred for the reunion. There are no charges to members and we would like to keep it that way. Everything is paid for strictly through donations. If you feel moved to donate any amount, use the pay Pal donate button to the left or make your check out to: Koh Tang / Mayaguez Veterans Organization and mail to:
Koh Tang / Mayaguez Veterans Organization
c/o Fred Morris
208 Grand Blvd.
Evansdale, IA 50707
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webmaster Fred Morris