Give Me Your Stories!
Your Mayaguez Memories
My name is Paul Bussiere. I was in Echo Company 2nd
Battalion 9th Marines. I am the currently the secretary for the
Mayaguez/Koh Tang veterans association. I just recently got involved
with the association and (for me) the group, I have had the pleasure
of meeting, has really helped me come to terms with certain aspects
of the operation. The comradely has been outstanding. The support
from the members has been fantastic. I want to collect the stories
that are out there. The next paragraph explains why. I hope this
collection of your stories helps heal any old wounds you may be
carrying albeit physical or mental.
Since I have been in this
position with the organization a surprising amount of members have
shared with me that they feel their story has not been heard.
you may be aware there have been books, articles and TV shows about
the operation, however only a few have had the chance to share the
part of history that they recall. This is no one’s fault and in no
way is there anyone to blame. It’s simply the nature of business to
get just a few stories. I believe that everyone involved in anyway
should have a chance to share their part of this with anyone that is
interested in reading about it. My goal with this book is to provide
a vehicle for those that want to share their story. There will be an
opening statement with a general history of the operation. The
following pages will have the name, rank and service and then your
story in your words. At this time I am planning that the stories
will not appear in specific order. I hope that everyone involved
responds. From those left because of age to those that were shipped
out after being on Okinawa for 1 day. All these stories are
important. All of these stories are interesting. All of these
stories ARE the operation to rescue the crew and retake the ship.
Please take this opportunity to share with the world YOUR story.
I ask that you would take
a few minutes out of your day to share your impressions, thoughts,
stories etc. of the Mayaguez, Koh Tang operation. The purpose is to
get YOUR information on paper as a historical document. Whether you
stayed in Okinawa because of age or you were a pilot from Thailand
suddenly thrown into this effort. My goal is to collect these
stories and get YOUR thoughts on paper.
We need to honor those that did not return or carry the scares,
mentally or/and physically about this operation.
I want the
stories from the men on the ships to the people on the bases. What
you saw, heard, felt and anything else you want to share.
I am
hoping that everyone involved in any way respond and share their
story about that day(s).
A few books have been written, some news
articles and a couple TV documentaries. All of these have one issue
that many have shared with me. That is their stories were not told.
They did not get interviewed. They did not have a chance to unload
their thoughts to about the operation with those that would read it.
I have included a form that helps me keep your responses
orderly. It simply asks for your name, rank and service and how I
can contact you for any clarifications I may need. Then the rest is
blank for you input. It can go into great detail or slight. You can
add pages if needed. You can provide your story via email, snail
mail, video or audio tape. If you want to just talk to me and I will
write down your thoughts you can call me.
I truly hope you take
this opportunity to share with those that are interested your story.
As you may already know this is considered the last battle of the
Vietnam era. The names of those lost are on the wall. This operation
has many parts to it that need to be recorded. I hope you will
participate and share your story.
If the response is good your
story will be in a book for all to read. When we are done my goal is
to have everyone feel that they have been heard.
Quite a few
Vets from this operation have various levels of PTSD. I hope that
sharing your burden will lighten the load on each of you and your
Paul Bussiere
Echo 2/9
3rd Mar Div
Send your stories and Information Sheet to:
Paul Bussiere
[email protected]
PO Box 51
Home phone: (603) 846-5441
Twin Mountain, NH 03595
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Please download this information form and submit it with your story | |